
Sunday, February 5, 2012


I love my current roommates. yes i love my old ones especially my 314 girls and Alyssa but now that they are gone i was terrified i would get some unlivable bunch of freshmen or something. The first week of the semester was one where i was sure this nightmare had come true. I didnt really talk to any of them and my room roommate Hailee had a huge knife in her top drawer.

well after i left and came back that first weekend (utah) i discovered that people had actually talked and become ....friends. wow! and BOOM just like that all my roommates were awesome and we became great friends! it had been a blast and delight to live with these fun and crazy young women. each one of us is unique but we have a blend of craziness that makes any time together a memorable one. I love these girls.

We took some roommate photos with the help my my good friend Tyler Minetto, with my snazzy new camera thank you toddie. I hope you enjoy them!

ps the funny face one is the best! hailee looks like she will eat your soul! :)
take care!

and they have done it again!

ok go is a great band that i first herd of in a talk given by this lady at a youth conference. it was a great talk about dating, and the song she used....a million ways to be cruel.
from then on I listened to ok go. i was a fan. they have such great and epic music videos and this one is another insanely awesome one to add to the list.
watch and enjoy and make sure you be careful because this is really a large exposure to pure awesomeness!