
Friday, April 27, 2012

I am getting Married!!!!!

Hey so iam Engaged!!!! :) here is the story. pictures to follow later! Yesterday morning we planned to go to the Tulip festival at thanksgiving point with Seans sister and her girls. I thought it was going to happen then since it was a beautiful place and it was a great opportunity. He set it up to seem like he was going to propose there but he was just being a punk and i was mad at him for that. I had to work most the day but Sean asked me to go to a movie night at his friend Chris's house after work. Diana (the sister of Alyssa who used to be my roommate, and it was her mission farewell that i went to and first met Sean) texted me asking if we could go to her house and pick something up so Sean and i decided to stop there first before we went to the movie since they were in the same neighborhood. In the car i was playing one of my old cds i made so it had random songs like the jonas brothers and disney on it. When we pulled up we were singing to Hakuna matata from the Lion king and just having fun. As we walked to their house Sean just opened the front door and I was thinking "what are you doing? you cant do that, maybe since they are cousins its ok?". When we walked inside right where we first met he had set up the things and set us we used for our second date, our classy sweater photoshoot which was 4 months ago to the day. I was so confused noticing things but nothing clicking together. Sean had to asked me if i recognized it and tell me it was from that date. I realized that this was probably him proposing but i still didnt fully realize it.He had me sit in the chair and take some pictures with the stuff. First a picture frame and then the little stuffed dog we used last time. I saw some flashes from the other room under the piano and thats when it really hit me that he was proposing (it turned out to be our friend Brynne). This is the point where the tears started to flow uncontrollably. He sat next to me and told me that he loved me and wanted to be with me forever and then he got down on one knee, took the dog (which i didnt even notice and Sean was surprised i didnt) who had the ring tied around its neck, untied it and asked me to marry him. It was a big surprise that i didnt think he would pull off but he totally did and it was wonderful!!! I am so extremely happy and giddy. i love my beautiful ring and my amazing finace!!!! We are planning fir August 18th in the Timpanogos temple. Take Care!!!

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