
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Photo Update

Sorry here are some pics!
 Goofing around in the Morning

 Slow in Turkish

 Zeyneps new bike
 Beautiful Hydrangeas that are everywhere!

 Zeynep practicing tennis
 I love the Pool
 Meduas Heads

 Metro map

 Bird Lady selling feed outside the New Mosque
 Spice Bazaar

 A little protest that occurred outside out Church window
 Zeynep and Naz at tennis

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Yes i am homeless this week,
Because my new family decided to go on vacation this week.
What did i do with my stuff?
Well i was planning to put it in my friends room but her family decided to go on vacation this weekend also.
What do i love most?
Church since it is the only stable thing in my life and this morning when i found out that i had nowhere to go with all my crap I had faith that there would be someone in my branch who would be able to help me.
My stuff is currently sitting in the flat where i attend church. Thank you Lord for saving me again.
Now i am currently staying in the hostel in Takism.
Its been great, I walked in to a nice view of a man sleeping in his whitey-tighties and made friends with a Ecuadorean who cannot see straight and i cannot tell when he is looking at me but he is super cool and we had fun wondering and eating the best manti ever!
Tomorrow I will spend the day with Kelly for her last day in Turkey and celebrate my birthday a month early with her since she will no longer be here for it like we thought.
The rest of the week will be spent with whoever wants to hang out and the monique will take a trip somewhere. not sure where yet but i guess thats the fun part, not knowing yet. maybe Troy and then Greece or something.

I said goodbye to my host family today. it was hard. i was trying not to cry all day. i am going to miss Zeynep, and Havva my Bulgarian mother who wants me to visit her in Bulgaria when she goes back. Zeyneps cousin who is really cool have been hanging with us this last week and she is so fun. i will miss her too, we like watching Disney channel together. We always have the Selina Gomez song "Like a love Song" stuck in our head s and we freak out when Jonas comes on! :) i will miss that. but hopefully the change will be good.
I am exhausted now so i am going to bed.

Take care!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Here's the Sitch

i have not been able to get on since we still do not have internet at the house and so every precious moment i get to get on i use for the really important stuff like family, school, and emails. Sorry for the let down but i am catching up! i still have tons to post about the boat trip, eges simit, and my trip to Bulgaria but i will get to that eventually i promise! right now i will do a quick catch up of my fun.....

This is my last week with Zeynep. Its really sad and hard but i think it is for the best. Havva does not want to see me go and i am not sure if Zeynep knows what is going on but if not she will soon. all her friends already know from their moms or aupairs. Yudum told me not to say anything to her and her last plan of telling her i am going to the states for my sisters wedding (which was called off) is crumbling fast. I have spent the majority of my time at Zeyneps tennis tournament which consists of me sitting for hours in the hot sun and humidity watching a bunch of kids. I think i might shoot myself but it is the last day and tonight i am planning a dinner and shopping with some of the other aupairs. Hopefully they can all come!
Since i have been back from Bulgaria I have not had much time for anything. Basically I am with Zeynep 12 hours everyday which sucks. Yudum have been much more pleasant since i gave her my two weeks notice which was not what i expected but defiantly good. Kelly my bast friend here and the aupair for zeyneps friend Erin is leaving earlyer than planned. She was planning to stay until september but things worked out that her mom came to visit and now she is traveling with her and then leaving with her next week. I am really sad. I basically spent every day with her and now i wont see her anymore. she arrived in Turkey the day before i did and from the moment we met we were besties! so many good times. We are planning to spend her last day together (on MOnday) which also happens to be the 25th, a month before my birthday. She will not be here for it like we were planning on so we will have a early celebration which will include an amazing cake, the whole day to enjoy together (her mom is letting us have this last day to ourselves), and i am sure much crying as well. Last week i spent a day with her and her mom. We went again to the cistern and sultanamet area where we had the worst lunch ever (it took over an hour to get our food and they didnt even have my manti which i have been craving for two weeks!) and then we went to the grand Bazaar and the Spice Market. I came home that night to find myself locked out so i called April and hung out at her house and spent the night which was really nice. Since then I have met some great new friends in Kemer. Sarah, Roxie, and Monique and Maggie came back from vacations. Zeyneps cousin is here Seven who is really cool. She is 16 and really chill. Its been fun having her here and i think she will come out with us tonight.

so interesting thing happened. Yudum is planning to go to Bodrum with everyone on Monday, the day i was planning to move to my new family but my new family changed plans and they are going on vacation all next week and want me to start on the 1st so now i have a whole week free, work for one week, and then they leave to the states for another week. My plan now is to spend monday with kelly, and hostel it with Monique who is also quitting early. we might take a trip to Ephesus or some other cool ruins or something. idk it will be an adventure :)
well thats all for now.
take care!

ps i will post a bunch of pics later. I did already but it happened that i messed up and posted it on my other blog Turkish Dleight. oops. so my many fans will have to wait a little longs to see my amazing pictures ;) 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Open at the Close

I did it. i watched the last Harry Potter and now it is over. I feel like my childhood is over as well. Those of you who are around the same age know how i feel since we literally grew up with Harry. I started reading the books when i was young and then the first movie came out when i was 11 years old. I remember when i was about 9 everyone was talking about how great this Harry Potter was and it was my grandma that summer who would read it to me while we swung in the hammock in her back yard. From then on it was Potter Mania in my life. Every birthday was Harry Potter, i looked up recipes from harry potter, knew most of the spells, got merch from the movies like the time turner and I have Harrys wand, and I had a 2in binder stuffed full of things about Harry Potter from magazines. Yes i am a nerd but thats ok cuz I love Harry Potter and i am not ashamed of it! I was extremely bummed when i found out that I would miss the opening night of the last movie in the states. It would have been epic and a great close to the final chapter with costumes, cheering, crying, and love for the boy who lived. Instead i watched it with my friend who has never read the books and laughed at me because i was crying basically through most of the movie. To make it worse i thought i was seeing it on opening day but in Europe it comes out a few days before and so even though i was seeing it the opening day in the states it had been out for two days in Turkey. I am still glad i got to see it. I will still have plenty of opportunities to host Harry Potter parties and have all day Potter marathons and so no worries. I am sad and is it sad that i want to cry when i  still think about it. Its over. All of it. But it is not the end. It is the beginning.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The move

hey yall
sorry its been so long. i have tons to say but no internet access to use since we just moved and they are not getting it fixed until tuesday or something like that but i will be in Bulgaria until Friday so i guess you will hear from me sometime after that. Peace out. Take Care.
i am freaking going to Bulgaria!
-ANA  :)