Easter is such an exciting time of year. Spring is finally here, kids are all dressed up, and jelly beans are cheap ;)
The Sunday before Easter (which Sean and I completely believed was the real Easter) we participated with the majority of Sean's family in singing Consider the Lilies in his parents ward. It is such a beautiful song and it was amazing to sing with such a talented family. It felt as if it was an actual singing group....who knows, we could be the next Von Trap family! (Ironic that we watched the Sound of Music that day as well)
The rest of that day was spent with the family in celebrating Easter with an egg hunt for the kiddies and a ham dinner (the source for much of our confusion about the real Easter day).
Now real Easter was a more relaxed day at our apartment. We had gotten a call the night before asking if we could substitute for the sunbeams class in primary which of course we accepted.
Kids are fun. Really fun. I wish I could remember all of the funny things they said since I was trying so hard not to laugh through half of the class. When asking what Easter was about half the class announced it was "EGGS!". It took some convincing that the reason we have Easter because of Christ and not because of the Easter Bunny but by the end of the class they all knew the word "Resurrection" and the dance we used to teach them about it. One of the little girls named Railee liked my lipstick and throughout the class kept coming up to me and saying "red lips, i want red lips".
After church Sean and I enjoyed a long, well deserved nap that is somewhat embarrassing to say how long it was (4 hours), made a quick dinner, and decided to have me drive Sean's scooter to grandmas house. It was exciting and every time I used the blinker, made a turn, or used the breaks I squealed in delight that I was actually driving the thing!
To end the day we shared a wonderful two hours watching new episodes of Dr Who on a somewhat illegal but not website.
It was a perfect ending to a nice day.
Anyways I was able to spend some good time with my own Easter Bunny who seemed to know it was his day jumping around happily everywhere and making sure he got plenty of cuddles!
(this is not my bunny, this is a liar)
Happy Easter everyone!