
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

So close to Forever

Only one more month left to go before I am married to Sean for eternity!!! I am so super excited! Things are crazy trying to get everything ready. Right now is crunch time for the planning. We have invitations to get out this week and they are getting printed today so lots of putting them together in the next few days. We will be at Sean's family reunion so am guessing I will be getting little sleep. lots and lots to do. you dont even realize how many little details you have to put a lot of thought and planning into. right now i am trying to find envelopes and melt away mints for the cheapest price but still quality. its a real pain.but i have a sweet Man who helps take care of me when i am a stressed out mess. Lots to do but I am so excited to have Sean forever! 31 more days!!!! what an intense countdown. I went to the last temple prep class and I am so super excited to enter the temple, receive my endowments, and then get sealed to the man i love for eternity. What blessings i have in my life. I am so grateful for all of them and right now i am especially grateful to all those who are helping with the wedding. BAH!!!! one MONTH!!! :) Beyond excited! 7 months since i met Sean. 7 months my life has completely changed, 7 months seems like 7 years. I love SEAN!!! Take care! ANa

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