A couple weeks ago I was having a hard time with church, school ,and a major lack of sleep. All this led to a minor breakdown which was not super pretty. This is why Sean is such a hero! He takes care of me even when I am a major mess. Anyways... even though we were both super stressed, he had us pack up the french frys we were making, a blanket, a few balls and we took off to a destination he had in mind.
Once I finally guessed where we were going things were looking up. The sun was shinning, I had the window rolled down, we were listening to Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, and we were on our way to discovery park. As soon as we arrived we spent the next half hour or so exploring the park and having a good time.
I suggested that we call some people and see if they want to meet us there for a relaxing afternoon. Sean, the amazing man that he is, had already contacted a bunch of people and his sister Kristin and her family as well as Seans BFF Chris were on their way! People! We were going to see people! It was very exciting considering we had been stuck inside to ourselves doing HW all week.
Sean and I set up a little pic-nic eating our french frys and blowing bubbles until everyone got there. We got to play at the playground with Kristins two adorable girls and then play a little soccer/ volleyball while some played with chalk.
It was a wonderful, relaxing, friendly Sunday afternoon.
After the park Sean and I were invited to go to his sister Melissa's house who couldn't come to the park. We went and ate spaghetti with her four cute girls and then played with them for the next couple hours. I love those girls so it was a great time.
Anyways, what Sean and I learned is that family and friends are important, relationships are important, and if you take time for those, then things will fall into place. Even though Sean and I were stressed and worried, we took time to enjoy our day, enjoy each other, and enjoy time with our family and friends.